Fastest way to ward off pesky networking / multi level marketing / pyramiding invitations

Multilevel marketing, otherwise locally known as “networking”, but is actually pyramiding is rampant today and you know you don’t like these networks but a lot of your friends and relatives are already victims and they want to try to get their money back – by inviting you to their pits through an orientation – where they will try to bombard you with pictures of money, cars, and success. They usually don’t give a lot of details because they only trust their speakers to convince you to invest in their scheme.

Here’s how you can quickly yet politely discourage networking / MLM / pyramiding victims from dragging you to their pit: These are the 2 questions I usually ask whenever anyone tries to invite me to MLM networks and they easily get discouraged from inviting me further:

1. Ask – what food are they gonna serve there if you take their orientation invitation? Let them know you’re more interested in the food they serve – demand a full dinner. Networking / MLM / pyramiding recruitment usually are more interested in your money that spending money to feed you. Tell them you’ll only go if they provide a full dinner.

2. Ask – how much money do you have to pay to join the networking orientation? MLM networks usually require a big amount of money and they usually don’t say it ahead so as not to discourage new recruits. If they have to tell you the amount required to register then you can easily use it as a reason to turn them down due to the high fee.

Tell them you’ll only go if they satisfy your 2 questions…






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