Category: Uncategorized

  • A Tri-Island Link: The Cebu-Bohol-Leyte Bridge Project

    The proposed Cebu-Bohol-Leyte Bridge project is a monumental infrastructure undertaking that aims to connect the vibrant islands of Cebu, Bohol, and Leyte in the Philippines. The Cebu-Bohol-Leyte Bridge project seeks to strengthen the connections between Cebu, Bohol, and Leyte, three islands rich in natural beauty, cultural heritage, and economic potential. By bridging the physical gap…

  • Deciding your roof

    Which roof to use? Metal, Asphalt, or concrete? Let us present to you the direct and common advantages and disadvantages of each in bullets… ADVANTAGES OF METAL ROOF: DISADVANTAGES of Metal roof: ADVANTAGES OF ASHPHAT SHINGLES: DISADVANTAGES of Asphalt Shingles: ADVANTAGES OF CONRETE ROOF DECK: DISADVATAGES of concrete roof: